Microbiology eBook: Industry Focus
Top interviews, articles, and news from Microbiology, curated by AZoLifeSciences - The A to Z of Life Sciences

Microbiology eBook
Welcome to the first edition of the Microbiology industry focus ebook! This comprehensive guide features the most widely read, discussed, and shared Microbiology articles and posts in the field from the past 12 months.
The effect of intermittent fasting on the gut microbiome.
Microbiology in everyday life.
The effect of antibiotics on the gut microbiome.
The use of microbes in plastic biodegradation.
Biosafety in microbiology laboratories.
Microbes and nutrient cycling.
Microorganisms and vaccines
Using microorganisms to turn CO2 into fuel
Laboratory automation in microbiology
From cutting-edge research in the gut microbiome to groundbreaking discoveries in the laboratory, this ebook is a must-read for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in this exciting and ever-evolving field.
Microbiology eBook Contents
Top 3 interviews with thought leaders in the Microbiology sector, conducted by our editors.
Top 3 Microbiology news pieces written by our scientific collaborators.
Top 3 Microbiology articles taking a deeper look into the industry discoveries and research.
Sources, further reads, and related stories you can find on AZoLifeSciences - The A to Z of Life Sciences

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